Financial Resources
Financial Resources
The Fundo de Garantia de Depósitos’ financial means essentially derive from initial and periodical contributions made by its members, as well as the income from investment of financial means and the proceeds of fines exacted from credit institutions by the Banco de Portugal.
As at 31 December 2023 the Fund’s own funds totalled €1,725.3 million, from which €193.4 million are irrevocable payment commitments undertaken by member institutions and backed by securities.
The Fund invests its resources in a low-risk and diversified manner, according to an investment plan agreed with the Banco de Portugal.
If the Fund’s financial means become insufficient for the fulfilment of its obligations (i.e. should the value payable by the Fund to reimburse deposits of one or more of its member credit institutions be higher than the available financial means), the Fund may require special contributions from member credit institutions or may borrow, namely from other deposit guarantee schemes, the Banco de Portugal or the State.