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Administrative and management structure

Administrative and management structure

The Fundo de Garantia de Depósitos is a public-law legal person, with administrative and financial autonomy and its own assets.

Under the terms of the law, the technical and administrative services necessary for the proper functioning of the Fund are provided by the Banco de Portugal, and thus the Fund does not have technical and administrative resources of its own.

The functional interaction among the organisational units of the Banco de Portugal providing services to the Fund is undertaken by the Fund’s Secretary-General, who is also responsible for assisting the Management Committee, preparing their decisions and coordinating the respective implementation process. The Secretary-General of the Fund is also a staff member of the Banco de Portugal.

Management Committee

The Fundo de Garantia de Depósitos is managed by a Management Committee comprising the following members:

Chairman: Luís Augusto Máximo dos Santos1


  • Joaquim Miguel Ferreira Mendes2
  • Norberto Emílio Sequeira Rosa3

Secretary-General: João Filipe Soares da Silva Freitas

See here the list of all the Deposit Guarantee Fund's Management Committees and Secretaries-General


The Board of Auditors of the Banco de Portugal is responsible for auditing the work of the Fund, monitoring its activities and the observance of the applicable laws and regulations, and issuing its opinion on the annual accounts.

(1) Appointed by the Board of Directors of the Banco de Portugal, he took up his post in July 2016 and is currently serving his third term, which began in July 2022.

(2) Appointed by the Minister of State and Finance in November 2024.

(3) Appointed by the Associação Portuguesa de Bancos (APB – Portuguese Banking Association). Currently serving his first term, which started in February 2022.